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Figure 3 | EPJ Quantum Technology

Figure 3

From: Mbit/s-range alkali vapour spin noise quantum random number generators

Figure 3

Protocol 2 (a) Examples of distributions of times above threshold for different thresholds. The discerning features are a zero-probability at \(t=0\) due to band-pass filtering, a peak at \(t>0\) due to Larmor precession, and the short-time tail that evolves from concave to convex for increasing threshold values. (b) Distribution of bits generated from random times above a threshold \(\Sigma = 1.44 \sigma \). The dark bars represent the probability for a bit to equal 0, and the light the probability for a bit to be equal to 1. One can see that each successive bit has a higher bias, so L least significant bits are taken from each integer in order to avoid large biases in the output bitstream

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