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Figure 10 | EPJ Quantum Technology

Figure 10

From: Unsupervised strategies for identifying optimal parameters in Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm

Figure 10

Boxplot of ratios comparing K-means \(K=3\) using instance features against angle values on MaxCut (a) and QUBOs (b). The ratios are obtained from 40% of the instances with the highest number of nodes. From depth-aggregated results, on MaxCut, using the median values gives a median ratio of 0.859316, 0.928519 with angle values, 0.976959 with instance features, and 0.981618 using VGAE. On QUBOs, we obtained respectively 0.926136 for the median of angle values, 0.936679 clustering with angle value, and 0.963677 with instance features

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