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Figure 8 | EPJ Quantum Technology

Figure 8

From: Cold atoms in space: community workshop summary and proposed road-map

Figure 8

Averaging of systematic uncertainties due to gravity gradients in a UFF test with Rb and K quantum sensors. Gravity Gradient Compensation (GGC) significantly reduces the systematic contributions [199, 200], such that the residual differential acceleration may be attenuated to an unprecedented degree through signal demodulation (orange curve). This not only allows for requirements on the source preparation that are greatly reduced compared to other mission proposals such as STE-QUEST [192], but also paves the way for more ambitious mission scenarios targeting \(\delta \eta \leq 10^{-17}\) in shot-noise limited operation (red curve). In contrast, even though the systematics are integrated down thanks to demodulation, the measurement would be limited by systematics without GGC (blue curve). The figure is taken from [198]

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