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Figure 3 | EPJ Quantum Technology

Figure 3

From: Optimal quantum state tomography with noisy gates

Figure 3

Selected high-performing quorums of projection operators, discovered by optimizing via simulated annealing for exploration and Powell’s local search method for exploitation for the Heisenberg (a), (b) and the Ising interaction (c), (d) with noise described by the depolarizing channel (a), (c) or over- and under-rotation (b), (d). The solutions are colored differently, based on the noise level used for each noise model and interaction, where ζ and r are the noise parameters for the depolarizing channel and over-and-underrotation respectively. The points with the red circles represent the results from using Powell’s method with the standard set of as a starting points being as good as or better than the best results from the exploratory analysis. Their colors also represent the noise level of the corresponding noise parameter

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