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Editorial Board

Kai Bongs, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, and Institute for Quantum Technologies, German Aerospace Centre, Ulm, Germany

Editorial Board:
Dimitris Angelakis, Centre for Quantum Technologies, NUS, Singapore and Technical University of Crete, Greece
Tommaso Calarco, Ulm University, Germany
Hamed Dalir, University of Florida, USA
Ivo Pietro Degiovanni, Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM), Torino, Italy
David DiVincenzo, RWTH Aachen and Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany
Aleksey Fedorov, Russian Quantum Center, Moscow, Russia
Hsi-Sheng Goan, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
David Hutchinson, Dodd-Walls Centre, University of Otago, New Zealand
Rainer Kaltenbaek, Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology, Austria
Sachin Kinge, Toyota Motor Europe, Belgium
Mauro Paternostro, Queens University Belfast, United Kingdom
Umakant Rapol, IISER Pune, India
Stephan Seidel, Airbus Defense and Space GmbH, Taufkirchen, Germany
Thomas Strohm, Bosch Research, Renningen, Germany
Birgitta Whaley, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Kadi Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Lingxiao Zhu, National University of Defense Technology, China

Annual Journal Metrics

  • Citation Impact 2023
    Journal Impact Factor: 5.8
    5-year Journal Impact Factor: 6.3
    Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 2.138
    SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.579

    Speed 2023
    Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 9
    Submission to acceptance (median days): 135

    Usage 2023
    Downloads: 326,493
    Altmetric mentions: 100

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